OnDemand Webinar
Library Marketing 204: Brand Expansion (Act 3/3)
Have you encountered challenges building enthusiasm about marketing internally? Are you looking for ways to build a more cohesive marketing plan?

Join us as we continue the deep dive on building your own marketing plan! In this episode of Library Marketing we’ll be going over the final of 3 acts in constructing your marketing plan—how to express your brand.

Register today for this free, 55-minute webinar featuring Chris Foster, Vice President of Business Development at Modern Postcard, and Robert Storer, Director of Marketing for SirsiDynix, and learn more about

  • Features, Advantages, and Benefits—Know the difference between features, advantages, and benefits and how to write compelling language to create successful marketing
  • Tone & Execution—Combine your positioning knowledge and story-telling skills to execute campaigns that move people to action
  • Marketing Channels—With your new marketing campaigns ready to go, learn where to place them for maximum success

Don’t miss out on this final part of the 200 series covering how to create your marketing plan. Stay tuned for the next round in the Library Marketing 300 Series yet to come!

Chris Foster
VP Business Development
Modern Postcard
Robert Storer
Director of Marketing