OnDemand Webinar
VIDEO PREMIERE: The Economic Power of Libraries
Introducing a Tool to Drive Meaningful Funding Conversations

The economic impacts of the COVID shutdowns have affected individuals and families as well as small businesses and entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, not enough policymakers, elected officials, and economic development agencies understand our libraries' unique and powerful role in supporting economic opportunity and a return to prosperity. To help close this knowledge gap, SirsiDynix and EveryLibrary have developed ready-to-use digital resources focused on telling the important - but often overlooked - story of economic impact.

Join us for a free webinar introducing you to new tools and proven techniques that will help you reach and activate partners, supporters, and funders about your library's workforce and economic development mission.

Expect to learn more about:

  • Messaging about libraries and workforce / economic development
  • Evaluating your business and e-ship programs and collections
  • Insights into best-practices for coalitions and partnership
  • Effective ways to engage stakeholders, elected officials, and partners
About the Series
The Library Professional Series provides training on topics such as librarianship, common or new issues libraries face, and industry concerns. These webinars are an excellent resource for furthering one's knowledge and professional skills in an ever-changing industry. 

John Chrastka

Executive Director, EveryLibrary