OnDemand Webinar
Ethics & Empathy in Data Visualization
Have you struggled with interpreting data? Do you want to learn more in-depth skills on what data visualization can do for your library?

Librarians deal with data every day. Patron data, cataloging data, events, etc; all of this data is important and helps your library know where and how improvements can be made. Reading and representing that data can be a challenge for anyone who isn’t familiar with data visualization. Tune into this webinar with Jo Klein, GIS and Data Visualization Librarian at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, as they dive into an online workshop that will critically engage the idea of "cold, hard data". Come explore how to take data deeper to make strong and ethically responsible visualizations.

This webinar will cover:

  • How data visualization can be used in your library
  • The role empathy plays and how it can strengthen visualizations and build connections
  • What ethical considerations need to be made when using data visualization in your library

Register now and tune in to learn more about this important topic and the positive impact it can have on your library!

About the Series
The Library Professional Series provides training on topics such as librarianship, common or new issues libraries face, and industry concerns. These webinars are an excellent resource for furthering one's knowledge and professional skills in an ever-changing industry. 

Jo Klein

GIS and Data Visualization Librarian