Episode 2 of 2
Horizon Settings, Reports and Getting Help

Grab your pens and pencils for this year’s training and certification series for Horizon!

Join Director of Customer Engagement, CloudSource OA Ken Bonney for episode 2 of the 2 part Genius series. Gain new knowledge each episode to solve all the equations and formulas about Horizon. Complete both parts to become a Genius series graduate!

This 45 minute webinar will focus on:

  • Learn login and default settings
  • Basic Reports and maneuvering between features
  • Where to go for help
About the Series
The Horizon Genius Series is a 2-part mini series. Each 45 minute episode will spotlight functionality that will help you to become a Symphony master. Complete both parts to become a Genius series graduate!

Ken Bonney

Director of Customer Engagement, CloudSource OA