OnDemand Webinar
How to Engage Your Community with Code Clubs
Join us to learn how Maricopa County Library is organizing code clubs to empower patrons of all ages.
Learning to code is now a crucial skill. Understanding code can open new career pathways and opportunities. What better place to learn that skill than in your library?
Join Tara Carpenter, Library Services Manager, as she shares her library’s story about organizing code clubs for all ages in her community. Learn tips and tricks on how you can also get code clubs up and running in your library.

Tara Carpenter
Library Service Manager
Tara Carpenter earned her B.S. Degree in Political Science from the University of Connecticut and her MLIS degree from San Jose State University. Tara completed her internship at the Arizona State University Music Library but has worked in a public library ever since. She currently works as a Library Services Manager for the Maricopa County Library District, overseeing programming and outreach.