OnDemand Webinar
Programming Inspiration: Using Video Conferencing and Reading to Connect Children and Parents
Join us to learn how the Free Library of Philadelphia is linking children and incarcerated parents through live video conferencing reading sessions.
2.7 million American students are already further along the pipeline to prison than their classmates, simply because they have a parent who is behind bars. In fact, these children have much higher rates of attention deficits, and as low as 13% will graduate from high school. A group of librarians are working to even the odds for these kids in their community by creating the “Stories Alive” program.
Join Titus Moolathara and Autumn McClintock as they share with us how they are using books and technology to help kids strengthen their relationship with their parents, and with their education.

Titus Moolathara
Library Supervisor
Titus Moolathara manages the Prison Services program at the Free Library of Philadelphia. Prison Services was created in 2013 and is focused on developing a community-based model of comprehensive programming and services for incarcerated individuals, returning citizens, and their families. The Free Library established libraries inside city jails, offers Stories Alive, face-to-face live videoconferencing between inmates in prison and their children and families in a neighborhood library, and temporary library card reentry resource packets to prison library users. Titus was named as one of Library Journal’s Movers & Shakers in 2016. Titus has MA and MPhil in history both from Jamia Millia Islamia University, India and an MLIS from Drexel University.

Autumn McClintock
Strategy Coordinator
Autumn McClintock is Strategy Coordinator for the Free Library of Philadelphia where she spearheads strategic approaches to and planning for services to the incarcerated and their families, health literacy, and cultural and civic engagement. She is the Free Library’s former Assistant Chief of Staff, and her professional experience includes project, board, and administrative management. She holds an MFA in creative writing, is the author of a chapbook of poems, and serves on the City of Philadelphia’s Poet Laureate Selection Committee.