OnDemand Webinar
Using Technology to Go Beyond the One-Shot
Using technology to improve and increase literacy instruction
The one-shot instruction session is your crucial opportunity to help students develop information literacy skills, but it’s not your only opportunity. Librarian, author, and blogger Meredith Farkas, shares advice about how to use technology to extend and provide instruction beyond the one-shot. Join Meredith as she teaches how to utilize technology to
- Adopt a “train the trainer” approach
- Design interactive tutorials
- “Flip” the classroom with flipped instruction
- Serve up bite-sized chunks of instruction at student’s points of need
Tune in to learn more from Meredith and become more familiar with the potentials and pitfalls of each approach in this free webinar.
Meredith Farkas is a faculty librarian at Portland Community College and a lecturer at San Jose State University’s iSchool. She is the author Social Software in Libraries: Building Collaboration, Communication and Community Online and writes the monthly column “Technology in Practice” for American Libraries. Meredith was honored in 2009 with the LITA/Library Hi Tech award for Outstanding Communication in Library and Information Technology, and in 2014 with the ACRL Instruction Section Innovation Award.

Meredith Farkas
Librarian, Author and Blogger